迷蹤狀態下有 20% 機率躲避投射物 原文: 20% chance to Avoid Projectiles while Phasing 根據POE WIKI (https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Avoidance) 對Aviod的解釋: "Avoidance is a mechanic that stops the damage of a hit after block has failed. It still counts as a hit, even if it deals 0 damage. Avoidance should not be confused or conflated with Evasion, Dodge, Block, or Immunity." Aviod與Dodge是兩種完全不同的防禦機制,但在台版翻譯卻同樣翻譯為「躲避」,容易使人混淆,應該予以其他名稱如「避免」等等,來區別二者的不同。 Last bumped on 2018年11月20日 上午5:33:34
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