[已修正]維魯索 -> 維盧梭
As I understand it, the Ankh of Eternity was somehow able to restore the dead to the full bloom of life. There was nothing necromantic about it, rather it was a source of true resurrection. How it come to exist, I honestly don't know. A couple of inscriptions I read treated the ankh as some sort of gift to Veruso from the Vaal. But surely the Vaal were long gone by Veruso's time...weren't they?
No matter. Despite the vagaries of the ankh's origins, Veruso used the ankh to return his young wife from the death bed to the wedding bed. The accounts are unanimous on that point. As it was for Veruso's love, so shall it be for mine. 根據我的理解,永恆十字架應該能讓死者完全復活。其中不存在任何死靈魔法,而是真正的還魂儀式。我並不清楚這樣的儀式為何會存在。我讀到過的文獻曾說這安卡架是維魯索贈送給瓦爾的禮物。但瓦爾人在維魯索的時代應該早就滅絕了才對……不是嗎? 無所謂,雖然這安卡架的來源有點可疑,但維魯索確實用它復活了他那年輕的妻子,重新舉辦了婚禮,這點是毫無疑問的。 這回,就輪到我復活愛人了。 EDIT: 3.0.1 已修正 前次於 2017年8月30日 下午8:50:53 由 chuanhsing#2097 編緝 Last bumped on 2017年8月23日 下午10:29:40
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